Learn how to lead complex change and bring others with you. Improve strategic awareness and influence to help changes stick.

The hardest thing about organisational change isn’t the new system or process, but the human and cultural factors such as resistance, communication barriers, inertia, and behaviours. That takes leadership.

This programme helps you work out how to lead your team and area effectively during change. We’ll equip you with tools and techniques, and you’ll put these to practice in real life application throughout the programme.

I wish I had known this twenty years ago!

Course details

This is a five month programme, with one day a month workshop, and interim personal coaching, collective problem solving & action learning. You’ll work on a real project during the programme and collectively deliver a final presentation back to the business.

Course outcomes:

  • Improved leadership during complexity and change
  • Better relationships for more collaborative working
  • Strategic, customer and commercial awareness
  • Improved planning and results
  • Smoother transitions and reduced harmful conflict

There are four core areas of the programme, as detailed below:

Commercial Nous

Understand business basics and cost/benefit analysis of behaviours, decisions and business improvements.

Strategic Awareness

Understand how your work fits into the bigger picture and how to improve its value to the business.

Social Capital

Build better relationships with all stakeholders to improve your influence, communication, leadership and psychological safety

Change Leadership

Understand your role as change leader in motivating, empowering and inspiring your team, and leading from the front.

‘Feeling uncomfortable is a natural part of stepping up and doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be doing it’

‘Thinking of our department as a business fundamentally changes how I think about the whole organisation’

Entrepreneurial thinking

Why is entpreneurial thinking important now?

The future of work will require leadership with agility, innovation and the confidence to challenge the status quo. Your organisation needs people like this to see beyond your existing processes to reimagine how work could be. It needs internal entrepreneurs, or ‘intrapreneurs’. These people can spot opportunities, understand the commercial drivers, are willing to step up to try things, even if they fail, and they understand how to influence and lead those around them to bring them along on the journey. 

For more information and studies on Entrepreneurial thinking, see the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 

‘Intrapreneurship enables a continuous stream of innovation which drives new product and service development.’ (Deloitte 2015) 

Get in touch

To discuss how entrepreneurial thinking, agility and innovation can support your organisation’s progress.

Let’s talk