Silver Linings to a Stormcloud

Silver Linings to a Stormcloud

StormcloudAfter yesterday’s storms and flash flooding – affecting some businesses once again with water damage, I thought I would share some thoughts from a group of businesses that were flooded by Storm Desmond in December 2015. I asked them ‘how are you doing now?’

There were of course a variety of responses, but a surprising number were really very positive:

“Because we had to spend the time reinventing our business, we noticed trends and were ahead of the game when the industry changed.”

“I had to strip down costs, concentrate on the profitable lines and refocus on my core offer. The business is stronger for it.”

“It has forced me to go digital, I had been meaning to for ages!”

“We really focused on our brand and marketing, now we stand out from the crowd. It is quite exciting actually.”

Whilst I am definitely not advocating taking your business through a natural disaster, there is something to be said for taking the time out to take a long hard look at your business to refine and refocus on what you do.

The affect of Storm Desmond on the business community in Cumbria was devastating and at the time it was hard to see beyond the initial effects, but with time we can see some silver linings to the cloud. I am honoured to have played a small part in them.

To book a review of your business or some time to think, get in touch 07766 546 751

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