Nev’s First Months With the Harrison Network
Starting a new job is often a time of mixed emotions and inevitably a time of significant change. Emotions can range from sadness at leaving ex colleagues behind to the joy and relief that comes with escaping a toxic work environment. There is the inevitable uncertainty of joining a new team and learning a new role. Sometimes we may experience imposter syndrome, where we feel simply not good enough for this new challenge. And, yes, new jobs don’t always work out. A new job is an adventure, a journey with an uncertain outcome.
I sometimes describe myself as a failure. This can perplex people somewhat. But I am! I have failed at so many things in my life I struggle to list them all. But I have learnt that we will all fail at something and the more we try things the more we will fail. But, through failure we learn, and I believe that learning is one of the most important things in life. I also believe that learning should be lifelong. Through trying, failing, and succeeding we collect experiences. Those experiences make us who we are and if we can keep trying we will inevitably reap the benefits and enjoy the successes.
In order to do that at work we need a culture of support, respect and above all psychological safety. Toxicity at work, through fear of consequence, kills the chance to fail and to learn. Like many, I too have experienced such environments in previous jobs. Harrison Network’s purpose is all about the opportunity to fail. And by that, of course, I mean the opportunity to learn, grow, develop and ultimately succeed.
There are many conversations in the office about “walking the talk”: do we practice what we preach? Do we live up to our philosophy? I can answer this question, and the answer is simply, yes! There is a distinct genuineness in the team at Harrison Network. There is a determination that we need to live what we aim to encourage and develop in others. For me, the philosophy and culture align very much with my own. It’s what first attracted me to the role and the organisation.
In the last few weeks, I have done everything from delivering workshops to writing new policies and processes that are designed to help the organisation as it grows. It’s an exciting time to be here!
I am still learning; it’s only been two months after all. I will fail and I will succeed, but I am feeling increasingly safe to do both. I am starting to feel ‘at home’ and with that, the sense that I belong here at Harrison Network. Yes, new jobs mean change, but change can be hugely positive. I intend to keep trying, failing, learning and succeeding, both for myself and for the people we work with.
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