What do we need?

We are looking for some willing volunteers to help us with the launch of: Soft Skills for Tough Jobs: Building teams that work, one conversation at a time.

Here’s what you get:

  • An invite to the Launch party in Cockermouth on Tues 24th May at 7pm (limited spaces available, allocated on a first come first served basis)
  • A free print copy of the book
  • My undying gratitude!

What do I have to do?

Here’s what you commit to doing in return:

  • Buy a copy of the Kindle Edition of Soft Skills for Tough Jobs for £0.99 on launch day (24th May 2022)
  • Spread the word as widely as possible through your network, with a link to the Amazon Sales Page
  • That’s it! although if having read the book, you leave an honest review on Amazon I’ll be doubly grateful.

How do I sign up?

Just send me an email telling me you’d like to sign up at lucy@theharrisonnetwork.co.uk  and I will send you all the details and the link to the launch event. Simple!


What's the book about?

Ever come away from a conversation thinking, ‘I could have handled that better’?

How you interact with others matters. Get it right and you unlock collaboration, performance and relationships at work. Yet often people get it wrong, despite their best intentions.  Soft skills seem simple but can be the hardest to do well, especially in fast-paced, complex technical industries. The pandemic revealed the sharp divide between leaders who were able to increase employee engagement through their ability to communicate and connect, and those who…. didn’t.

But using soft skills well doesn’t need to be hard. Most of us can do it instinctively when we’re at our best. With her simple NALED framework, Lucy Harrison has already helped hundreds of leaders be at their best more often. Soft Skills for Tough Jobs: Building teams that work, one conversation at a time has been designed and road-tested with busy industry managers, to create a guide and toolkit that will help you improve team engagement, ideas and performance. Now you too can choose to hold a different kind of conversation.

Soft skills are a dark art, but one you are already using. Learn how to get better.